0:00 Introduction 0:38 Big Items Up Front 1:31 Beanstalk Project Funnel 2:36 Seed Gauge 2:52 wstETH migration 3:24 Multi Flow V1.1.0 3:42 Gen Convert 12:11 H1 Upgrade Package 13:58 Secure Beanstalk 15:02 Subgraph updates 16:05 What is the rest of the team up to? 16:40 Automating Farming 17:58 Closing statements
- Recordings
- Meeting Notes
- Big Items Up Front
- Beanstalk Project Funnel
- Seed Gauge
- wstETH migration
- Multi Flow V1.1.0
- Gen Convert
- H1 Upgrade Package
- Secure Beanstalk
- Subgraph updates
- What is the rest of the team up to?
- Automating Farming
- Transcript
Meeting Notes
Big Items Up Front
- BIP-43 Hypernative and BIP-44 Seed Gauge System are both up for vote! In addition, Temp Check 3 Unripe Stalk Burn is up for vote. wstETH and the H1 upgrade package are in audit!
Beanstalk Project Funnel
- There has not been a lot of change since the last meeting. Hapernative has been removed since it is up for a vote!
Seed Gauge
- All of the the dev work is done! It is now up for a vote!
wstETH migration
- The audit and remediation has been updated a couple of weeks out. This is to align it with Multi Flow V1.1.0
Multi Flow V1.1.0
- A week has been added to the timeline for the judging phase
Gen Convert
- Everything is going along very smoothly. In the simulations Pizzaman has found some weird bugs where the Delta B goes against peg, this is due to some weird math edge cases. It is more likely to happen when very large or very small amounts of Beans are being converted. There are no real good solutions as of right now. During a Convert, Beans are added to a well and LP tokens are minted. This is because of the XYK math, the amount of Beans put into the Well is less than the amount to "fill it up". This math is used when to asses how much of a reward or penalty to give to a user when converting. Gen Convert allows for any convert, but it will instead give a reward or penalty with Stalk. The goal is to have the current Convert system and Gen Convert to have the same rewards.
H1 Upgrade Package
- The audit is underway right now and Deadman is helping auditors anyway they can. We will see the results in around two weeks. Deadman is hoping the auditors are familiar with the codebase. The auditors seem excited to work on Beanstalk.
Secure Beanstalk
- Continuing work, is on hold right now while the audits for other projects are underway.
Subgraph updates
- A lot of additional analytics coming to the Beanstalk UI very soon! There will be a Twitter announcement!
What is the rest of the team up to?
- Rex has not talked with Ben and Brendan in the last couple days
Automating Farming
- Rex does not know the current status of what Tractor will do/ not do
welcome folks appreciate you coming out to join us for today's bean stock down meeting um I think at this point everybody's pretty familiar with the format of course we keep this pretty easy going if anybody has any questions they can drop them into either the Barnyard chat or the chat in the barnyard voice Channel and we'll do our best to capture everything make sure that questions get answered Etc as always lucky to have a bunch of the devs joining us today as well to talk through anything specific that they want to cover or or answer any question that that that are asked that that they seem like they want to uh to cover and yeah without further Ado we'll start whipping through the slides here so big items up Big Items Up Front front so everybody's aware of the ongoing votes so we've got uh bit 43 hyper native and bit 44 which is seed gauge system both up for vote and then temp check three which is the unripe stock burn temp che check is also up for vote um so just a reminder for everybody here I'm under the impression that everybody on this meeting is probably voted already but just in case you have not had a chance to um head over to the Govern governance page and vote on all three of those items we' definitely appreciate it I would appreciate it and then for upcoming and ongoing items relates to to ongoing items so right now we've got rap Ste and the H1 upgrade package now in audit so those items are currently being looked at in the schedules will reflect that and yeah we'll start looking at projects unless someone's got uh any anything they want to add so to take a quick look at the Beanstalk Project Funnel the project funnel so not a whole lot of change since the last meeting um only two items that immediately come to mind one is one is the addition of podb bur for time lock assets I saw that come up in the beanock ideas channels and I think it's safy that was is is frontlining that and leading some discussion about that so want to make sure that made it on the slide and then the only other change since the last time around is is since hyper native is now up for vote I took that off of of this page because it's being covered elsewhere actually I shouldn't say it's being covered elsewhere so it's covered in Discord uh we don't have a slide on it here the information that's in Discord is really the best source of information it's not really a project per se so there isn't like timeline of ongoing work so just for everybody that that might be listening to this later on yeah the best place to get information about about hyper native is the bip 43 channel in the beanock Discord jumping down in project so seed gauge obviously Seed Gauge up for vote probably not a whole lot to excuse me a whole lot to add or or mention here U Bren anything you want to cover quick before we uh before we keep going nothing on my end G seems to be wrapped up from my perspective other than voting sounds good okay wrap Ste so wstETH migration the remediation or the audit and Remediation period excuse me got a frog in my throat has been updated a little bit length lengthened out this is as I understand this partially due to lined up with the multiflow uh remediation so as you see the the schedule reflects that um everybody's pretty familiar with with the migration in the project at this point so won't cover a lot of additional detail unless there's anything extra to to add all right Multi Flow V1.1.0 multiflow so just one additional week added for excuse me for the uh to go along with the judging phase of the code Hawks audit so not necessarily a major change in schedule just a little bit of a bump to make sure that we're incorporating the judging phase for that Gen Convert project next gen convert so we've got we've finally got to the point in the timeline where we've got the end of the timeline on the on the graph which is a little Milestone but it's worth mentioning um so looks like good progress obviously pizza man if there's anything you want to to add you're more than welcome to but seems like things are bumping along yeah maybe the only thing I'll add is that in testing I ran into this interesting kind of math problem where you can do a convert and you're adding beans to a well that has beans and some other you know token and in some weird cases that can actually cause the Delta B to go in the opposite direction of Peg which is not what you would expect uh so I've been working with Bina on trying to figure out what the best way to handle that is is uh because theoretically you know if you're adding beans to a well you're you're helping bring Bean back up to Peg but in this case there's like some weird math edge cases uh where that ends up not being true with the X well system so yeah been looking at that and hopefully we'll get a resolution to that surely that is very interesting is I mean can can you guys like explain that to me like M5 like what is what is what's the edge case where that would happen it's just I just I find that interesting yeah it seems like it's more likely to happen if it's like a very large amount is converted and then so pizza man I think I lost you we pizza man did I lose yeah sorry I saw that I disconnected there must have had internet issues that's where you L right as you were starting to talk okay let's see so yeah so it seems like it's more likely to happen if the the amount of beans is converted as either very very large or uh very very small with some other conditions in the in the pool uh and it's not totally clear you know what the best way to handle this is although the math seems to check out in the fact you know in that it actually is a real thing that's happening and so yeah anyway just require some more research to really get to the bottom of what the best way to handle it is it's interesting well good luck on figuring it out I'm sure you guys will come to a resolution uh if I can give more context sure you know fundamentally for being to LP convert you know what happens is that being is given is you know being being added to the well and then LP is minted from that you know what what pizza man is saying is that you know there are times where you know you intuitively when you're adding beans into the well Delta B should change in the direction we intended to but uh sometimes we see the Delta B go in the wrong direction and the reason why is that you know when you think about let's a weld where Delta B you know is some value and you know not a peg if a user were to add LP or beans and the non- bean asset into the well in the equal you know proportion of the current well so you in the same proportion as like the current Delta B the the the Delta B would increase right so like if you had you know a thousand beans and you know one e and it was 5% alpha Peg and you added 10% more to that in the same proportion you know it would the Delta B would increase by you know 10% you're in a negative Direction so what's happening is that when some in certain cases we're adding beans to the well which you know theyit LP and because of the xyk math there are instances where the amount of beans put into the well is less than the amount of Delta B that was you know created s uh quote unquote to like fill it up and you know this really occurs when the Delta B of the well is massive you know when I say massive I mean you know exceeding like half of the uh the reserves needed to get to Peg but if the ideal state of a well was such that there was 10,000 beans in the well then this would occur when there was like you know let's say like 4,000 you know less than half of the beans in the well so this would be a significant Delta deviation but fundamentally that's the problem there and you know in the context of generalized convert this is because in order to generate and in order to calculate the stock penalty for the gener for the Gen convert uh we are currently using or you thinking of using the Delta B to determine how much uh bean stock should penalize a user when converting and in the direction where it doesn't want to you know given that this Delta B doesn't seem to be the most optimal way because like piz man said you know there are instances where being stock allows to convert but still performs this Delta B in an inverse Direction you know a better met would probably be the Delta B uh over LP so you know now the constraint should be that the Delta B over the LP Supply should increase or should get better and thus you know this should fix this Delta B discrepancy we've seen gotcha so so if I'm understanding this right how you're approaching this is you know potentially adjust the part of the convert equation rather than putting like some kind of limiting factor on the convert functionality itself yes a good question you know gen convert is designed such that any convert is valid but you know what changes is the amount of stock or the amount of penalty you get on uh you know a convert you could think of the uh a convert or if if someone wanted to convert being to LP when the price was below Peg you currently within the bean stock system we do not allow that but someone could you know theoretically just withdraw their beans manually convert so you know add the beans to the well mid LP and then deposit into bean stock again they can still do that you know currently right now but they would just forfeit their stock you know likewise with the generalized convert they will be able to perform this be to LP convert when be stocks below Peg but you know their penalty will be very large if not equivalent to doing the previous actions you know withdrawing all and losing all stock so in this new paradigm gen convert you know kind of allows for all converts if that makes sense but you know penalizes it based on how much it you know damages or you know how much it affects being stock negatively gotcha yeah so yeah so I think I am understanding that right the idea is to minimize or you know really what you're saying is eliminate any scenarios where a convert would not be allowed by the system to to have no limitations in terms of what converts are allowed but really focus on making sure that the the bonus or penalty is dialed in correctly and in incentivizing users to convert in or I should say the reward or the end state is aligned with whatever action the user is trying to take meaning if they're trying to convert beans to LP when we're below Peg then there's you know there's a defined penalty that goes along with that the stock penalty go that goes along with that but if they're converting the other way there isn't some you know random instance or Edge case where they're accidentally causing some type of of an unintended negative negative consequence right yeah I mean in this case you know the goal is that the regular current converts and a new generalized convert spec you know they should have the same stock penalty if they were to perform the same convert type so for example if someone would do a bean to LP convert on a regular convert system you if they do that on the new convert system they should not be penalized as well if they're able to do it on the regular one because it wouldn't make sense for you know someone to perform a bean to LP convert on a generaliz convert and get penalized when they could just do the regular convert and not be penalized yeah so this like the Crux of the issue here you know although it is an edge case you know ideally you know the obvious implementation is to make it such that they are equivalent yeah now good and say appreciate that from both of you H1 Upgrade Package jumped on to the upgrade package which again I know people don't love the name but here we are so I guess dead man I'll I'll open the floor up to you for a minute to see if there's anything you want to add here you know obviously we've got you just some General Schedule update but is there anything else you want to talk through yeah of course so as you mentioned the audit is underway right now I'm currently helping Auditors any way I can you know to support them find any bugs that may have occurred in the code I was mainly working on polishing the code prior to the audit uh there was a little bit of of interconnection between components in regards to the top top rate chains but with some math we got that figured out and yeah I believe we're ready to go now we shall see the results in about two weeks hopefully the are pretty familiar with the protocol after like two consecutive audits so we shall see but yeah no I appreciate that and agree on the auditor's familiarity does sound just just kind of watching the chats it seems like there's some let's call it like muscle memory building with the auditor so that is I think that is a good sign in general you know as we continue to go through these audit processes with cyphon and cod specifically yeah it does seem like there's a growing familiarity and and and I'm going to say appreciation too it seems like um the team is seems like the cyphon team that the code Hawks team is is has a yeah just a good appreciation and a generally positive attitude towards the the beanock code base too so that's I think that that bodess well yeah and the Auditors seem like genuinely excited to work on beanock yeah agreed that's that's exactly what what I see in the chats well thank you Secure Beanstalk all right cure bean stock is is bumping right along I didn't see thunder now I don't see them in the in the in the meeting but yeah continuing work and at this point essentially just waiting for for the codaw team to have availability to go through and do the audit there and we'll keep moving on after that process and tractor again still on hold and like you said once what's funner gets freed up I I imagine well so for what it's worth my guess and I have not talked to funer here over the last week or so but I'm going to guess that knowing that they have been working off and on on tractor here for a while I'm going to guess that since they've got some room wait while they're waiting on uh the current audits they're probably working on tractor as as we speak so that's probably on me I will I'll loop back with them and see if we should update the tractor schedule and get that back back rolling for I'll have it for the next the next down meeting okay I put in a slide for subgraph and other updates and solo King was kind enough to to join us so you said that said that you're close no major updates but you're you're Subgraph updates getting close yeah that's right so um just just a little bit well mostly I kind of talked about what I've been working on at the at the last call and just kind of that that piece of upgrades to the subgraph a lot of additional analytics coming coming to the UI we're looking to deploy it probably in the next couple of days uh just kind of finalizing things up on the UI side so definitely be on the lookout for that and you know I'll make sure let you and everyone else know when when that's on we can uh we can direct people to to look at those those new charts sounds great yeah let me know we'll get get announcements out we'll we'll make a big deal out of it so appreciate that and yeah keep me up to date okay want to open the floor up see if there are any questions thoughts concerns from the Dow I'm keeping an eye on the chats and looks like doesn't look like I'm seeing anything from the Barnyard chat or for the chat for The Voice Channel but yeah if anybody has any questions thoughts concerns it's the floor yours see box rat typing and Silo Chad GM Silo Chad all right so Silo asks what are the rest What is the rest of the team up to? of the team up to guy puus Etc so I have not spoke with with Ben or Brendan here in the last couple days I think they were I think they were traveling I'm not totally sure and I know that and I know that guy is actually on a he's on a plane right now and actually he sends his apologies for not being able to join us yeah that's that's about all I know at the moment as to what they're up to rights if it's an apoll trip I I do not know Ox rat typing I'll give you a moment here have we discussed automating Automating Farming deposits into The Silo Ox rat asks so I do not have a great answer for that so I think the I think the any type of like automatic or automated components I don't know if that would necessarily fall under the purview of tractor I do not know if we've talked about automating deposit it's outside of potentially setting up functionality with with tractor to execute those of specifically from F I'm not sure but I can take that away as a question Harry asks where manifold is I do not know Harry also asks what do we do if we can't withdraw our root deposits from a few years ago I also do not have an answer for that I I I haven't been on the root UI or had interaction with root in a very long time I'm I'm not sure I again that's something else I could take away I can see if I can find an answer when it comes to root stuff I just I I don't know where the so for what it's worth I think crypto girl is span perfect somebody just got it thank you to whoever kicked that yeah thank you so King yeah again I can ask about that Harry I I I'm not sure if we're GNA have any good information about root really not sure any other questions or items okay all right well will seeing nothing Closing statements new I'll take that question away to to see if we can get something a little bit more specific for you Harry I will I will see what we can do about those two questions that you had about manifold and root and yeah we'll we'll Lo back with what we can and thanks for joining us appreciate everybody's time and if anybody else has any questions or anything comes up feel free to tag me in the Discord and we will take this recording we'll put it up here over the next day or so thanks everybody appreciate your time