0:00 Introduction 1:10 Big Item Up Front 2:06 Beanstalk Project Funnel 4:23 Seed Gauge 6:45 wstETH Migration 13:40 Multi Flow V1.1.0 14:55 Gen Convert 15:55 H1 Upgrade Package 19:50 Secure Beanstalk 22:14 Tractor 22:50 SoilKing Update 35:35 Closing Statements
- Recordings
- Meeting Notes
- Big Item Up Front
- Beanstalk Project Funnel
- Seed Gauge
- wstETH Migration
- Multi Flow V1.1.0
- Gen Convert
- H1 Upgrade Package
- Secure Beanstalk
- Tractor
- SoilKing Update
- Transcript
Meeting Notes
Big Item Up Front
- BIP-42 Seed Gauge has been posted on the discord! Codehawks audit of Multi-Flow Pump V1.1.0 is underway.
Beanstalk Project Funnel
- Beanstalk L2 has been added to the above the funnel. Unripe Stalk Burn has been moved to the bottom of the funnel since the team is allocating resources to the project. A temp-check vote will be proposed first before any work has started on the Unripe Stalk burn.
Seed Gauge
- As mentioned before the BIP draft has been shared in the Discord! Brean mentions that the discussion period is currently underway. Brean adds that they expect there will be some voter apathy. Brean mentions that the real data will come in when we have Gen Convert because it will be hard to convert between ETH and wstETH at first.
wstETH Migration
- Things are moving along smoothly with the audit, Brean is doing a lot of the back and forth with the audit team. Codehawk has a period of time that goes through each bug and marks the bug as valid or not valid. This will be a fairly repetitive process with all future updates and this process will continue to get more efficient. The parameters for the wstETH have not been set, and the DAO can set the percentage of BDV of Beanstalk. Currently, Beanstalk has 2 levels of distribution, how many Seeds should be distributed to Beans vs LP. With 2 LPs, the DAO needs to set the optimal percentage of each LP.
Multi Flow V1.1.0
- Multi Flow is going through an audit. It was initially thought that this would be apart of the wstETH migration but since Basin is a different protocol these will be audited separately.
Gen Convert
- Brean and Pizzaman had an early code review and so far everything looks!
H1 Upgrade Package
- Recently there was an immunity report in regards with chopping Unripe. It is a valid bug but it does not benefit the hacker, it will be added with the upgrade. This report was reported by someone who was active in the Codehawk audit. Brean mentions that it is cool to see audits getting more involved with Beanstalk audits.
Secure Beanstalk
- Secure Beanstalk has grown into a large concept that simplifies the codebase and reduces the attack vectors. This will not add any features but it will make Beanstalk more secure, and will reduce the amount paid out to white hat hackers.
- No updates here since this project is on pause.
SoilKing Update
- SoilKing has been working on the Subgraph for the past month or so. They have a lot of fun upgrades to the Subgraph that will come out in the next couple of weeks. With the Seed Gauge updating coming soon, the APY calculation has been updates. They have also worked on a lot of pre-exploit data such as Delta-B's. Personalized APYs will not be added right way. This would be very hard for the Subgraph to do. SoilKing is unsure if we are able to check how much Stalk is owned by Unripe vs Ripe. Check Twitter for these updates!
all right well uh welcome everybody appreciate folks joining us especially uh at the the different set of hours Iwas saying right as we were kind of getting things spun up here a minute ago that I'd like to start having you knowit's probably going to be I'm gonna say probably one out of every four maybe uhmeetings around this time period so we can kind of Hit the contingent on the the opposite side of the world that I'mon um it's really I mean I'm on the east coast of the US and it's not terribly late it's 10:00 at night so not not toobad and if it works well for you know for folks in the the uh the you knowAustralia Pacific Rim region to do this then it's I think it's a great way to toget it done so we'll try to make this a a relatively regular event and um yeahwe'll kind of hop in and we'll um work through the got the typical slide deck set up and obviously lots of progressbeing made um and uh great have a bunch of the devs here too so we'll giveeverybody kind of a chance to to add comments as um as they see fit and we'll we'll go fromBig Item Up Frontthere all right big items up front so um I think everybody knows that the draftbip 42 Siege SE gauge system is posted for discussion in Discord um so that'sexciting I know that a lot of people have been looking at that and giving comments um so good to see that um theother thing uh worth mentioning is is that the code Hawks a of multi U multiflow pump version1.1.0 is currently underway just saw um the uh the contract for that comethrough over the last couple days so they are actively working um on that uh on that project soum good to see that moving forward and then just upcoming items right along with the the draft of bit 42 we'll havea vote here relatively soonall right down in the project so looking at the project funnel um so couple smallBeanstalk Project Funnelchanges here um for items above the funnel did add in uh beanock L2 I'mhearing more and more chatter about that um from different members of the community sounds like something thatpeople are getting more and more interested in potentially uh you know having the devs pursue so I wanted to add that to our above the funnelgrouping to kind of get that on the radar and then took the unripe stockburn from the top of the funnel to the bottom of the funnel I know that um pizman I know you've been really uh kind of in the weeds and thinking a lot about that and sounds like we're we're movingtowards something like uh a plan for action so excited to uh excited to havethat getting closer and closer to some type of active developmentany questions or comments on on these items before we moveforward I think before any work on the unripe stock burn will happen uh we'll put it up for like a vote to see if youknow it would actually pass um because it's kind of a we you know it's a kind of a controversial idea so we'll we'llsee what the stockholders actually think about it I think before uh you know putting too much time into developingend makes total sense and you I know that a thought that I've had and I've put in the Discord and I know that I think or Ishouldn't say I know I I should say I know um other people have been kind of kicking around as this idea of like whatprotections are there for you know unripe unripe asset holders and I Ithink that'll be a really interesting question to answer I I mean you know I think it's I think it's something thatcan be answered you know thankfully there's probably a Litany of potentialapproaches to like protecting that group of folks but it'll be interesting to see what what the approach ends up up beingbut yeah I'm I'm excited to see what that that vote looks like and then yeahhow uh how the overall process movesforward all right so seed gauge lookingSeed Gaugereal good so um won't uh necessarily spend a lot of time here because um there's been you know quite a bit ofdiscussion and activity especially over the last couple days um but a lot of lot of green in that list of uh list oftasks so um hats off to to Breen especially I know that you know just watching watching you uh work with theAuditors and answer questions and I I have to say understanding only a verysmall amount of what you guys are talking about but still appreciating all the work that's going into that so umBreen anything you want to add hereyeah first off thank you for the kind words uh of course doing our best hereand the other thing is just that you know the discussion period ison right now so you know maybe a couple days before we decide to put it up forbip but you the only other thing to consider is thatideally this would be shared with a couple other you know considerations I know the whole Community have beendiscussion discussing the uh stock burn and you know given that we've seen a bitof voter apathy you know we want to minimize the amount of times people vote so ideally you know perhaps the stockburn vote is you know occurs in the same time as uh the CGage that's that's that's fair in a midal I've heard I've heard kind of similar um discussionabout other items too so yeah I it voter apathy is going to be unfortunately justa an issue to manage and and this does seem like a good way to to try to to tokind of keep our our arms around that because yeah it's it's it's tough when things are spaced out so no that's a agood a good good note to makewe got somebody with a mute off it goes we're good allright all right so um we'll jump down to rap SE uhwstETH Migrationmigration and um yeah been seeing more and more chatter um with the audit teamaround this and um looks like things are uh moving along relatively smoothly umyou know again we're kind of in that period where you know the devs and and you know I'll say Breen I know thatyou're again doing a lot of the a lot of the uh the back and forth with the audit team um and you know other than thatwe're we're just kind of watching this process play out so again I'll you know I'll toss to you Bren anything you wantto add add here yeah just to give more color andwhat's happening so Cod Hawk has this intern period where the participants ofthe competitive audit you know uh goes through all the issues that's beenreported through the codeart Artic so in conjunction with the judging you know they themselves actually go through eachissue and Mark it as a valid or invalid so you know believe that's been startingsince last week and it should be wrapping up relatively soon so number ofissues that are present in this one you know was very similar to the seag gaugearound 200 or so uh in practice the 200 for the sea gauge got whittled down toyou know five or so uh low to medium issues so you know I I would kind ofexpect the same for the rap Steve migration uh especially given or perhapseven less just given that we've done the bean three curve to be e migration andthis uses the same underlying logic as that and you know we've wiped the this did many times before so you knowultimately not too much logic but always good to kind of ensure that uh our code is audited and you know issafe very fair and it seems like you know that's probably a really good example of a a process that willcontinue to be repetitive in the future and so the sharper that pencil gets overtime the easier the process becomes rightyeah yeah for sure definitely uh you know the cug was the first time we kind of done a Cod Haw audit with the teamand you know we're still learning and I believe with the rap Steve migration it's it's shown that we've definitelyimproved on that processnice any other questions or comments on rep Stall right jumping down to oh goad yeah know the uh parameters for the rap thevewell hasn't been uh you know finalized yet you know uh with the c gauge one ofparameters that the Dow can change is the optimal percentage of bdv it shouldhave for being stuck and you know depending on how aggressive the Dow wants to be you know I think it's awordy discussion in the you know asynchronously in the generalchat is there a and I'll forgive my ignorance is there a place where thatdiscussion is happening Breen is is that act actively beingdiscussed not from what I've known what I've seen yeah I haven't known St sostart one yeah either yeah either in the RF C channnel or maybe in a separateone yeah probably probably something worth spittingup okay that's a good yeah that's a that's a a good takeway I'll I'll do some followup on that so toclarify about what is is thatin sorry so you're kind of cutting off there you're cutting in a little out a littlebit I missed who is talking but whoever it was is cutting in and out quite abit hey can you hear me now is that any better yeah that's that's better okayyeah sorry I just switched microphones there um anyway I was just asking about the um so the the comment you made thereBrien about the setting the uh the optimal LP percentages um is that inreference to between W Ste and the existing benathwell yes yes so currently you know beanock has atwo uh level distribution right with the c gauge system you know the first levelis how much LP or how many C should be distributed to Bean versus LP and youknow that's much more focused on the peg maintenance level uh beyond that we uhbeing stock also distributes the seed you know between each LP now this isless of a peg maintenance issue but more like a dow uh you know optimizationissue uh beanock itself doesn't have the ability to evaluate one bdv of one wellversus the other to them or to beanock you know one nonb US dollar is the sameso it's up to the kind of the Dow to kind of determine what's the optimal percentage between each well rather andnot the distribution between the bean Steve well and the bean tokenitself oh look he showedup got it yeah that that makes senseyeah okay yeah definitely um something we'll have to um we'll have to follow upon okay um all right I so I was swapping backand forth between Discord and in my PDF can everybody see everybody see the deckuh yeah okay good okay so to uh jump down to multiflow umMulti Flow V1.1.0again I know that uh that is code that's currently under audit um and BR againyou know definitely correct me if I'm wrong but this is this is also going through the code Hawks process correct as opposed to just like a cipher AITyeah yeah it's doing the same uh Cod hog audit you know competitive audit systemand you know initially the goal was to kind of perform this one huge rap Stemigration plus the multiflow pump into one Cod Hawk audit but given that Basinis a separate protocol from beanock you know it seemed probably better for uhthe cold HW Community to treat them as separate uh audits rather than and histhing sh it's goodpoint okay any other questions or or comments aboutmultiflow okay hearing none genen convert um so pizza man isGen Convertthere anything and I'll I'll hand the floor off to you is there anything you want to specifically cover in terms of uhprogress here um I think this chart covers thingspretty well but um I did kind of have an early uh code review with Breen so hetook a look at everything I had written so far just to make sure I was going in the correct general direction uh he just has a lot more experience with you knowbean stock and solidity coding in general so uh he'll be kind of mentoring me through this but um I completed afirst round of of uh feedback um that Breen gave me and seems like things aregoing reasonably well so far so that's my update good stuff Iappreciate it any other questions from the group or comments from thegroup okay so H1 upgrades um I don'tH1 Upgrade Packagethink I saw dead man on and so I guess what Iwill say is um first of all obviously if somebody else from the dev team wants tomention something about the upgrade package I'll open up the floor and if anybody has any questions about thisI'll take those questions and take them to dead manand and we'll just we'll follow up on them and and you know dropthe answers to whatever the questions are on the Discordyeah I can speak on behalf of Deadman here so yeah you Deadman's doing a great job with this uh miscellaneous work callA B miscellaneous upgrades uh you know recently there was a immuni report uhthat has to do with chopping unright and you know given it's a valid bug but isnot manipulatable to the uh executor's benefit you know probably best to include it in this M gan's upgrade so demen's been working hard on implementing a fix for that as wellnice well good stuff appreciate that and appreciate yeah appreciate the extra theextra color too um something I'll mention to the group is that with all the the code Hawks competitive auditswe've added in um over the last couple couple meetings we've added in um youknow time periods for the judging phases too and that will be a common componentfor any of the competitive audits they'll always be that judging phase in so um that's something that we can youknow the I would say that as a as a dow something that we'll just need to understand is kind of part of that partof that process and part of the timeline so got it in yeah for for thisone here and I think all the other all the other major projects haveit Incorporated and if if they aren I'll I'll make sure they're Incorporated here for the nextmeeting just also wanted to mention that you know this report was submitted bysomeone who participated in the code Hawks uh uh competitive audit so you know it'svery cool to see these people who you know dip their feet into the competive audit and then see the imunify360you know the life being stuck right now so it's really cool to kind of see this like flow of new participants and Ithink it's great that uh this serves as a great testing bet to see the in uh thepart interested parties to continuously uh you bringing more white hats and uhmake sure beanock Co Bas is Rock Solid yeah I mean it seems like and you knowdefinitely correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like as those white hats build more and more familiarity with codebasein general the level of feedback and findings they have I wouldthink would continue to improve as wellright exactly uh you know beanock is one of these one of the most unique projectson ethereum not only because of what he's trying to do but you know most projects that are being audited are youknow oneoff implementations whereas you know beanock is this live protocol thatuh you know lives while it's being audited so you know very interesting Dynamicthere goodstuff okay um so secure beanock hey umSecure Beanstalklove having funer with us um funder I'll I'll hand it over to you anythingspecific you want to talk about for secure bean stuff nothing too specific uh secur bestock has kind of grown into a big and large concept of just trying to clean upthe code base uh and reduce the overall risk factors uh so the biggest one hasbeen implementing invariance which basically just uh check certain securityparameters on every single interaction with bean stock for a small additional gas cost um and those have primarilyfinished uh development they have been they're under review by Green right now um and I'mwriting test this week that andthen I assume this will be done sooner than other chunks like the U generalizedconvert but the the audit will probably be grouped together at some point thissummer um but the development is is going welland all pretty near completion and these won't change anyfunctionality they definitely aren't going to make bean pump or anything uh but hopefully they improve security andreduce overall uh cost paid out to immuni and potential futurethis love it appreciate the disclaimer and actually that's a that's a good point you make there at the end two thatI hadn't considered you know again theoretically yeah that you know there'sa you know there's there's that potential opportunityfor other yeah things like immuni payments to potentially be lower ifthese additional security features are in place that's a that's that's an interesting thought yeah appreciateit yeah no problem any other questions or comments from thegroup about secure beanstock all right and uh tractor so um really no updates here um you knowTractorknowing obviously the funer is working on secure Bean St um so we'll just kindof we'll let this one Set uh for the time being umand really that's it for that's it for the specific slides I will um I'll openup the floor here for uh you know for a couple minutes to see if there's any specific questions or comments from thegroup about something that we haven'tcovered uh hey I have some stuff to share so yeah go ahead um yeah I've beenSoilKing Updateworking on the subgraph uh for the last few weeks maybe a month or so um haven'tbeen uh haven't had a chance to do much on the Dune uh the Dune dashboard um buthave a lot of really exciting upgrades coming to the subgraph that uh hopefully you'll start to see in the next coupleweeks so um yeah I mean it's it's really like a kind of a bunch of thingstogether but I guess most notably um for the changes coming with seed gauge inthe next couple weeks um we have updated like all the apycalculations um to to account for how the stock is going to dynamically shiftbetween the different assets um and other than that beenputting a lot of work in for uh getting a lot of analysis of uh some pre-plantvalues so particularly the big ones that I'm excited to show are the the pre-plant Delta BS um so you'll be ableto see like the Delta B's uh like the time weighted time um the tat priceslike you know for every hour like across um you know all time basically sothat'll be pretty cool when that when that comes through um yeah targeting probably in in the next couple weeksshould uh should have all those changes deployed and uh and hopefully added onto the UI that's awesome so soil I will askyou now because unfortunately I will forget if I don't say it right now asthe those um items get finished let me know and we'll make sure that as theyroll out we'll do we'll do Twitter posts and we'll put stuff up in Discord sothat people are aware of them we'll make sure to make a big deal out of them as they roll out so so don't let meforget to to capture those as as you finish them sure yeah sounds good awesome Iappreciate itany other items from the group can just curious will those umgraph updates include the ability to display like an individual depositor apythat they're getting for their deposits so say I had you know grown stock for like a year or two would that be reflected in my apy that I see in myview uh So currently no um and I meanthere's a couple reasons for that so um I mean mainly is that doing those typesof calculations on an individual farmer level um at least like for the subgraphto do uh is not the right way to do it just because it has to calculate uh youknow as like like basically what happens is every time um the sunrise call comesin it updates all the apy and uh you know it it takes like some time tocalculate so it calculates like for every asset the 30-day the 7day and and the 24h hour um so like doing like allthat and then you know like for each wh listed asset so like all of that probably takes like 10 seconds um or solike with with all the the complexities added with with Gauge so um so no I meanit's it's not feasible to have it calculated for every user but I mean that that's not to say that we can't uhhave another way for that to be shown but at least from the subgraph uh that that's notgoing to be available at this point um but definitely definitely something thatis on my radar and have have some ideas for for some other approaches that we cantake got it awesome thanks for the great explanation uh well I've got you here I'm curious if you've uh if you've had achance to or know how it might be possible to do some analysis on what percentage of stock uh is owned byunripe holders as opposed to ripe assetsMH um yeah I'd have to look into that one to see whether we have uh all thatinformation on the subgraph currently um I'm not sure off the top of myhead cool no problemthanks good stuff yeah so Kings a huge Trooper forupdating the apy based on the C gauge system you know the apy system already is relatively complex uh without thegauge system and given that the gug system you know changes the distributionseeds to Bean on every season you know it just makes it an order of magnitudemore complicated and you know he's just been crushing it so I just wanted to say outhere that's awesome well I I couldn't do it without your help green you uh you certainly uhhelped to explain all the all the new events and all the uh you know just justand and just just to just to bring up here too you know SE seed gauge it really is uh a very complex and I meanit's it's very very interesting very well written and uh I think it would becool at some point maybe if you're up for it Breen to have some kind of a longer form like call or discussion orsomething to really to really dive in like deep on how all the mechanics of it work because I think that'll be helpfulfor people to understand particularly as uh you know it's going live in the next couple weeks and and we'll uh we'llhopefully be able to you know we'll be monitoring the the changes um that it's making in realtime yeah I mean it's really funny because you know C gauge is designed tobe as simple as possible but even with that you know it's still incredibly complex and you know with the currentimplementation uh we only have the bean e pool so only that first level of dodistribution of between being and LP is initialized you know once we have thatrat St uh implementation that's when we really see new data you know uh both onthe be LP distribution as well as the distribution between LPS so I think thatwould be really cool and you know to your point I think there would be some value in kind of discussing that as uhyou know we I guess yeah as the rap Steve uh is implemented we already havea class discussing how it works uh will'll say even though that it's stillon a you know I would say a V1 ideally you in a c gauge system we would trackthe change and demand of the gauge system itself so you know for instance one of theparameters we evaluate on being currently is both the Pod rate which isat that level as well as the change in soil demand and currently the SE gugsystem only evaluates uh the liquidity level itself but not the change in liquidity level that makes change indemand of liquidity right and you know what that would see that would be in practice is you know the demand forconverts for instance right for instance uh if we have a system where people aremassively converting just so much demand for convert every time uh bean beans areoff by some to be you know perhaps the system can alleviate how much soil withissues instead relying on convert demand uh for instance right so that will be aeven more complex system and you know it will be interesting to see andyou know the other thing is that this seag gauge system unfortunately uh doesn't have thegeneralized convert system in place to kind of really see his full efficacyright you know once the W the uh well is implemented it's really hard for peopleto switch between the bean raap Ste well to the bean e well you know let's saybeing stock allocates more stock to being Eve uh you knowand you know suggesting that people should migrate from the being Steve to being Eve uh currently withoutgeneralized convert it's really hard it's a lot of friction in doing so so you know this is why I'm very excited uhon the development front with generalized convert so you know once those two pieces are together we canreally see the model flourish or you know really see what uh how it works andget good data uh without any friction that's really helpful BR I mean thereare and I'm speaking strictly from personal experience and you know mylet's say beanock Learning Journey um there are so many times when you knowwe'll talk about a project or an initiative or concept or feature orsomething and I think there are times when the community and in this case I'mgoing to know speak for myself say say the community um maybe has a hard time getting theirhands around what that you know feature or projectis until all of a sudden there is like a practical implementation and like whenyou know when you talk about that idea of generalized convert and you say okay you know we're trying to eliminate the friction of converting between the Wssteth well and the eth well for me like even in that moment I'm like oh okaythat like that that two sentence explanation unlocks that concept for meand you know I'm going to claim that I'm probably you know one of the less technically Savvy um folks the communityum but like just being able to talk through some of those you know practical situations and implementations I thinkis really good and and again before I lose the thought I think we definitely should umhave some type of class or some type of opportunity to yeah kind of dive in onum on seed gauge and on on you know some of these components that are kind ofcoming together right now and so I was looking atum I was looking at May 7th for the nextDow meeting um um we'll have to talk aboutwhether or not we want to do something like around the same time period you know maybe either right before rightafter or if we want to do something you know a day before a day after but we'll coordinate and we'll if if if that'sokay with you we'll try to figure out a way to to yeah give an opportunity to kind of talk through talk through someof these new items in in some real specific detail especially may it begreat if you know we had even some like UI screenshots and I know that there's a bunch of UI testing that's going onright now um I think that'll be fantastic so if y'all are up for it let's let's plan to doit yeah for sure uh if the community there was a lot of demand for it we should definitely set something up yeahI I that that strikes me as something that the community would get excited about so yeah um we we will figuresomething out I'll I'll coordinate with with you and and some other folks see if wecan't can't make that happenawesome any uh any other questions thoughts comments I'm looking at the Barnyard chat I don't see anything thereI did see Harry's GM GM Harry love your pfp admittedly my favorite part is thebelly that I like that quite a bit I think that's pretty great um andanything else before we uh before we let everybody goClosing Statementsall right hearing nothing um appreciate everybody's time definitely appreciate all the color from the devs um yeah Ican't tell you guys how much I appreciate you um we will yeah we'll tentatively plan I'm I'm I'm going tosay I'm 99% sure that we'll get the next Dow meeting on the calendar for uhTuesday May 7th I'll probably do it at the typical time which um you know for me is like I think it's 4M Eastern umbut yeah appreciate everybody joining us and we will talk to youall laterthanks thank you Rex for hosting of course my pleasure yes thank 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