0:00 intro 0:49 Recent milestones 2:10 Beanstalk project funnel 9:20 Seed gauge 16:17 wstETH migration 20:44 Mutli Flow v1.1 28:51 Gen. Convert 36:34 H1 upgrade package 39:41 Tractor 41:10 What's next for comms? 44:52 Dune dashboard 49:54 Convert bot/ Discord discussion
- Recordings
- Meeting Notes
- Big Items Up Front
- Beanstalk Project Funnel
- Seed Gauge
- wstETH Migration
- Multi Flow v1.1.0
- Gen Convert
- H1 Upgrade package
- Tractor
- What is next for comms?
- Dune Dashboard
- UI Work
- Are Ben and Brendan involved with the Convert bot?
- Transcript
Meeting Notes
Big Items Up Front
- Seed Gauge Codehawks audit is underway. As far as Rex has heard, nothing major has been found yet
- The Beanstalk Dune Dashboard is back up and running at www......
Beanstalk Project Funnel
- This is a new chart that will demonstrate all the ideas that are floating around Beanstalk in the Discord. This will visualize where each project is in consideration. Above the funnel is anything in the universe. Most ideas above the funnel will not see any development. Top-of-the-funnel projects are in the scoping period. These projects are in the process of getting a timeline, what resources are needed to get the project across the finish line. These projects are seeing more consideration. Bottom-of-the-funnel projects are projects that the team is looking to assign resources to once Gaugethey becomes available. The end goal of this is to give more transparency to the DAO.
Seed Gauge
- Seed Gauge is still in the audit phase, after this is completed there will be a remediation period. It is unclear how long this period will take, and the current timing is just a guess.
- The team is waiting to see the full audit results to see what bugs are being brought up and cannot really come to a conclusion on how useful the audit competitions are
- Apart of the Seed Gauge BIP, there will be some changes to the Sunrise parameters. These changes are due to the high Ethereum gas prices and high Ethereum price, Beanstalk is not incentivizing the Sunrise call enough. This is causing the Sunrise call to be later than it could be. Since the Sunrise call is later than it could be, the Seasons are shorter and this causes Beanstalk to over-mint Beans. The development for this project is fairly easy and the team wants to prioritize this project since Beanstalk is currently overminting Beans
wstETH Migration
- Development is currently paused while developers support the Seed Gauge audit competitions
- Deadmanwalking is working on a Well deployer script that will be fairly generalized, after this is completed they will be working on the rest of the tasks needed to get the wstETH Well deployed. There will be a working UI for deploying a well on the Basin website
Multi Flow v1.1.0
- A current issue is not having enough auditors and this is causing a couple of delays. Guy does not see this as going to be a recurring issue. Scheduling multiple at the same time is a zero-sum, and Beanstalk will be planning for this in later projects.
Gen Convert
- Gen Convert will allow Farmers to convert in a way that hurts Beanstalk's peg the Farmer will take a Stalk penalty. The opposite is true if you convert in a way that helps Beanstalk's peg, the Farmer will be rewarded with Stalk. Gen convert will also allow Farmers to use their Siloed Beans or LP tokens to arb anything in DeFi and will be rewarded with higher or lower BDV. Pizzaman is also working on flash loan resistance. To allow for the Stalk reward or penalty, Beanstalk needs to have a list of every deposit and its grown Stalk per BDV
H1 Upgrade package
- This BIP will combine a lot of little projects into one larger one. These projects will all get audited together
- Most of the heavy work has been completed, but the increased chop rate is just a parameter that needs to be updated. Deamman also expects the audit to be a bit quicker since auditors will know the Beanstalk codebase
- This project has been worked on off and on for over a couple of months now. Rex will have more of a timeline next DAO meeting
What is next for comms?
- Rex is thinking about what is next for his role. He is thinking about how he can increase his contributions to make more valuable to the DAO. This is an open call to DM Rex on how he can keep improving his role
Dune Dashboard
- Soilking has been working on getting the Dune dashboard working. They added a bunch of stats on Basin, and the BEAN:ETH Well. In addition, they added stats such as large wallets that hold Beans/ Pods. They have been focusing on post-replant information. Their goal is for the dashboard to spark more conversation in the Discord.
UI Work
- A revamp of the analysis page is being worked on where a farmer can zoom into certain periods of time. Farmers will also be able to impersonate any wallet address on the Beanstalk UI
Are Ben and Brendan involved with the Convert bot?
- Ben and Brendan are not on this call so there was not much discussion about this
all right well we'll get underway and let other people join as they have availability well welcome to uh the bean talk down meeting so this is uh the March meeting and I think I said in one of my notes technically it's off cycle but we may some adjustments to make it be on cycle in the future so um exciting stuff going on um lots of stuff happening around the farm um I'm going to HP right in into the deck um but yeah if anybody has any questions uh we've got barard chat open and um yeah feel free to uh feel free to ask questions all right um so Fanon through here so big items up front so um the Cen Recent milestones code Hawks audit competition of seed gauge is still ongoing so um that is uh yeah that is in Flight right now I've got a little while so before that finishes up um but um as far as I know there haven't been any major issues or uh or discoveries from that team and somebody from the dev team can definitely correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't heard about anything real significant come out of that competition thus far um then other thing to mention for a uh a big item up front is uh the beanock dun dashboard is back up and running so um tbic was maintaining that for quite a while and tbic had moved on to another project and having soil King step in and U kind of pick that up was uh was really nice so uh tip of the hat to them and yeah feel free to follow the link um to see what the do dashboard's up to now all right so projects actually let me I'm going to stop before I go any further everybody can hear me okay no audio issue or trouble along those lines good all right good okay so moving down into projects and initiatives so I wanted to introduce Beanstalk project funnel kind of A New Concept uh for this group those of you who have have spent some time in more traditional organizations might recognize uh charts like this so um this is a the beanock project funnel chart and um I'm going to introduce it and then I'm going to kind of talk about what um thoughts I have around it as a concept but basically the idea is I wanted to figure out a way and um we've got lots of discussion lots of ideas that are kind of floating around in the Discord and um you know I know that there's a uh a lot of interest from the community about how does somebody take an idea about bean stock and like go from an idea to something that's you know in development something that's implemented and um you know this is a very kind of simple way to start to kind of put some visualization around that or a little bit of real loose structure and um so basically uh the idea of a funnel chart is it gives you kind of your layers of ideas and their level of level of of consideration let's say so above the funnel is like it's the universe it's all the stuff that anybody kind of just randomly thinks about or talks about um that kind of you know comes up in conversation or ends up in the beanock ideas Channel or uh you know kind of just floating around in in the Discord and um you I would say that this is a this is a place where um a lot probably most of the ideas that are above the funnel probably never make it all the way through to to full development but it's a real good place to just kind of kind get everything down and um I've started you know collecting ideas here some of these are based on uh items that are in the uh that're in the beanock ideas or the business ideas Channel some of these items are just based on conversations I've had um some of them are just kind of silly just to kind of prove the point you know I've got everything from cross-chain development which I think there are a lot of people that are really interested in and I would say that I'm interested too all the way to bring back the voice mod which is a complete joke um but you know that really is just to illustrate this point this is kind of where all the ideas float and it's a good place to kind of just make sure that they're captured when you get to the top of the funnel that's where you've got some a little bit more serious consideration that's happening you know I would I would use the term scoping you know usually when when you're looking at scoping a particular project to try to figure out what exactly the deliverables are what exactly the timeline could potentially be what resources are necessary that's when you've got stuff that's kind of the top of the funnel so last meeting we talked about things like hyper native um and then I added there to various Bean uh Basin Pairs and then Community input on dev priorities I'm actually going to come back to in just a second um but you know these are some ideas that are getting a little bit more serious consideration that you know we're trying to kind of get our hands around how to approach them as a you know as a team and then the bottom of the funnel is the stuff that is like the term I would use is like in Hopper so they are they are projects or initiatives that have a pretty good scope that um the team is looking to assign resources to that are you know kind of in line to be able to you know go into full development when we've got resources available so you know get down into this list and you're looking at stuff that we're all pretty familiar with so Basin stable swap secure bean stock Blacklist mitigation um so gen convert there is actually there's information on gen convert um I actually I think I I they didn't put part two there's there's part one and part two to generalize convert um so that should be General gen convert part two um and then uh generalized flood so those are items that are are essentially waiting to go into development so really the goal here is to just kind of give the community an idea of like what is moving in what direction ction um but to go back to that Community input on dev priorities so this is something that I've been thinking about a lot um as kind of I don't know if it's like the next evolution of what what I can provide to the community or you know something along those lines it's just been something I've been thinking about quite a bit is um you know what are ways that we can help community members to be more uh more impactful or have a greater uh amount of influence and health helping the team set its priorities so you know we we want to be able to give community members input into that process um there are a lot of conversations a lot of discussions about you know what's best for for the protocol and what is what are the next right steps um uh but want to try to figure out ways to to get the community more involved and so I've been thinking about that a lot especially over the last week or so um I am I guess I will I guess what I'll say is background um I've got an idea that I'm kind of chatting about with different members of the team um but I'll also say that like my DMs are open if um somebody has a particular approach that they've seen done in the past to help um increase involvement of larger groups in setting priorities I'm I'm all ears um like I said I've got kind of an idea that I'm kicking around that I think might be um might be a a good path to walk down might might work pretty well might kind of hit that sweet spot between um you know giving the community a pretty clear ability to to make its wishes known but still give the dev team the ability to um prioritize things if if they're found to be really critical um so I guess what I'll say is still thinking on that um putting some stuff down on paper but DMS are open I'd love to hear if anybody has any experience with with systems that work really well for getting that Community input any questions on this or anything else before I jump down into the projects themselves all right heing done so we'll jump down into it so these are the Gan charts are updated um as of earlier on today added some additional information with a lot of um with a lot of these projects just to give uh folks a little bit more insight as to what's there and who's working on what and and try to give that that a little that a little bit of extra communication um so mentioned that seed gauge is still in Seed gauge the code Hawks um aut of competition and coming down to the last couple weeks of that or really the last week of that um once that's complete theoretically there will be remedi a remediation period um if you notice again kind of going along with this idea of a color-coded system or or let's say like levels of Darkness or opaqueness um there's always a little bit of question around um how much time that remediation might take but again you know knowing or not having heard any about any major developments um hopefully that's a relatively relatively quick process and uh we're able to move into sharing the bip and and moving into the bip voting period relatively quickly uh guy or Breen any any additional thoughts or anything you want to share what's up everybody uh thanks Rex I guess if I had to share something you know it's WR it's written here but I think that the remediation timeline really is just an estimate at this point um the nature of the structure of the Cod Hawks audit is we don't actually get access to a lot of the FI or any of the findings until uh perhaps early next week so I think it's going to be hard to say until then um and just you know while we're at it since uh H half of nasdaq's question was related uh he asked has the open source code Hawks audit proved useful how does the remediation timeline look for seed gauge uh as far as usefulness you know I guess I would give a similar response in that really the only Insight we have at this point is the quality of the questions that Auditors are asking uh I'm going to mute you brazy let me know if you want to speak up um hard to hard to really make a judgment uh outside of the quality of the questions being asked um and given that we don't have access to any of the reports yet you know we'll know a lot more uh next week so hopefully I don't know exactly when we're going to host the next Dow meeting but uh should have a lot more clarity at that point and yeah maybe simly it's also hard to know like whether it's necessarily a good thing if there are you know no high vulnerability reports or maybe it's a better thing if there are many uh know it's it's hard to say that's a good that's a good point in conversation I've had a couple times before and and when it comes to um getting feedback uh maybe what we could do is when that when we do get access um I'll put something together and we can we can get that out to to the community once we've got access to it just to even if it's you know even if it's in between meetings or whatever we can get something out just to to kind of give everybody a heads up that that the competition's over and we've got we've got access there also is a new item on here that uh I actually don't know much about I don't know if uh dead man or brain you want to talk about the some parameter updates to the sunrise function that were added yeah I could talk about it can everyone hear me okay yep you're good yep aome uh for the ask you know following sunrises we've seen that users or I guess the sunrise function has been called you know pretty late relative to like the sunrise block the earliest the sunrise can be called and this is due to the fact that uh based on the you know high gas fees and high e price being stock is not incentivizing enough for users to call Sunrise as a start of season or start of Sunrise apologies uh there's a there's a parameter and the beant stock function which is the maxim am of beans that can be minted on the sunrise and it seems that this number is too small uh to guarantee people to call the sunrise you know as soon as possible so de man doing some simulations uh to find out what an optimal parameter for that Max beans uh can be you know we don't want to set to too high in case of some exploit that allows people to arbitrarily uh mint beans during the sunrise but obviously we're seeing the rations of setting it too low currently set to 100 and you know by the end of dead men's walking simulations we can find a good value to set after the fact what are you saying are the ramifications exactly of incorrectly setting the max beams or I just mean you're suggesting that the sunrise function is being called later than it possibly could be uh what are the side effects of that current side effects is that we have a shorter season than uh anticipated you know apparently we target an hour season but given that the sunrise function is called you know one to two minute later you know the sunrise or I guess The Season's only you know a fraction of that amount uh Additionally you know this does cause being stock to kind of overment uh more beans than necessary in order to incentivize people to call the sunrise and this is due to the fact that uh the sunrise reward increases exponentially for every block that hasn't uh for every block delay that the sun right hasn't been called fa thanks for the explanation like this is one of the one of the many examples of uh things that are difficult to simulate up front and really can only be optimized in terms of its uh parameters after seeing data in the wild so very cool agreed anything else you want to cover guy and Seed gauge not on this end all right keep bumping along we'll um go down to wrapped steep migrations wstETH migration so and continuing with um so what we've got here in the in the Gant is we've got a recognition of that interim period during the the existing code Hawks AIT competition and you know just as as a quick aside I think I've talked about it in in casual conversations um but you I feel like this is a really good example of an opportunity I think there's a lot of folks that would would ask that would ask the question you know what can what can be done to help um to help development move forward faster and one of the things that goes to my mind is as we have these conversations is and I think guy mentioned it last down meeting that you know one of the hard Parts about using audit competitions it seems like audit competitions are a pretty good bang for the buck in terms of um you know Auditor's ability to find issues that are relevant you know and versus um you know paying a large firm potentially you know really large amount of money um seems like a better a better approach from a cost standpoint um but one of the downfalls I was mentioned was that it's hard to have multiple competitions running in parallel because a lot of times they're drawing from a really similar group of of white hat Auditors and so you know it seems like when we uh look at these look at these schedules and see these interim periods uh during Audits and remediations I feel like for me it's a reminder and you know it's it's something I wish I could do I'm not I don't have the right technical skill set but you know there are probably a lot of people in this meeting or a lot of people associated with it Dow that you know could could have that um that white hat skill set and you know the more people that are involved in those audits the bigger the pools are the more ability there is to to do work in parallel and so you know maybe just uh you know quick shout out to you know all those that are that are that provide that service and maybe an encouragement to those that might be considering it I mean there's definitely real real opportunity there especially when we look just at the beanock stuff but anyway um I won't go into a lot of detail on this mostly because we started talking about a last uh down meeting guy Breen any or Brennan any any additional any additional comments I think dead man is working on a couple of these items uh yeah if you're out of mic dead man yeah of course so yeah I've made some progress on the well deployer tool as I've mentioned in the last meeting I'm planning to make it a bit more generalized uh right now that's post because of the sunrise simulation stuff but uh as soon as I get that done I'll start working on those items as well um and test the component deployment script as a proof of concept for the remainder of the the remaining components for the bin well so yeah don't have anything else yeah appreciate that man all right sweet and for what it's worth uh in case it isn't clear a lot of that kind of work uh as far as generalizing the deployment of wells will will help a lot as far as allowing anyone to do it uh at least anyone with uh the technical ability so far but don't remember if we mentioned this in the past but definitely uh at the top of the list from a design UI design perspective is uh designing a deploy a well page on the Basin UI so so perhaps uh you know maybe won't have a super concrete update by the next down meeting but perhaps in the next couple sounds good okay jumping down to multiflow again Mutli Flow v1.1 won't go through this in a ton of um specific detail but didn't know if there was any additional comments from the development team I don't have anything to add on unmuted go ahead great um oh just want just yeah all good all good uh I think we talked quite a bit last time about what this change actually involves um I see uh NASDAQ asked a question in the barnyard chat that was related to this earlier so like it'd be a good time to address it I'll just read it out owed for the recording um he asked looks like for multiflow well there are five weeks and two past weeks at minimum allocated for waiting for Auditors could you discuss the challenges of finding more Auditors is finding more Auditors and above the funnel task or that not possible uh it's a good question I think that this is unlikely to be a recurring problem but uh in this instance where the gauge system was uh delayed and delayed it did end up resulting in you know having to schedule the the rap Ste migration and these multiflow changes after they they could have started and I think Rex talked a little bit about this earlier but particularly in the context of these uh competitions where you know we're not necessarily going out and selecting who's going to be auditing it's more like you know it's a designed to have a a prize pool that attracts uh attention and eyeballs from White hats and think that you know scheduling multiple at the same time is sort of zero sum in the sense that uh it'd be splitting the time of the people who are spending time looking at this code so you know that's my perspective on it that was also uh the general advice that we got from cyphon who runs code Hawks uh that it would be better to run them sequentially rather than in parallel so yeah and then from on the question of is finding more OTS uh I don't know quite what you mean by an above funnel task or is it not possible but uh to what I was saying earlier don't think it's necessarily going to be a recurring problem uh and thus you know from my perspective it's not particularly high priority if you will but it it unfortunately it was how it worked out uh at least for you know this month in the next couple weeks yeah and and NASDAQ I saw your I see your followup too and and I guess the way that I would frame it and guy you can certainly correct me if I've got it wrong is you know really what you just said that you know it sounds like this will not be a recurring issue in our case um and I guess my my perspective on it's like a level of importance you know if you wanna if if you wna if you want to try to push it into that funnel chart um it's if if we um were interpreting this as a long-term term problem I think there would probably be a lot of a lot of discussion if if if every if every deployment was going to be running into continuous delay because of um not having the right resources available you know I think there would be a lot of eyes trying to figure out what's going on because you know this is this is something that is frustrating it's also a problem that's theoretically solvable so you know if if Cipher saying that that this shouldn't be a long-term issue then that I think that helps to answer our question Nas Jack also asked why is the sunrise inefficiency higher priority than gen convert just wondering if it's a block her for Gen convert or something um if I had to give my two cents I think that the project that dead man and Breen described a few minutes ago as far as uh you know running some simulations and updating the parameters for the sunrise reward uh as a relatively small project and from the perspective of you know optimizing the number of beans that bean stalk is issuing uh to reward the sunrise callar I guess it would be interesting you know uh Breen or dead man if you guys know or have a sense of how much beanock is overspending but uh if we can save some of those beans you know I think that's a win and as far I don't think it's uh necessarily related Rel to the gauge system at all other than that happens to be the next bip that's being launched so that's my two cents but you know anyone else feel free to chime in uh it it is not so it's not a blocker for Gen convert or anything like that just to clarify I mean additionally I guess one other thing I would add is that uh feel like the changing of parameters or constants in the contract does not really require auditing uh and introduces very minimal uh security risks if at all um you know other than if you were to hardcode the bean issuance to a billion beans every season or something crazy but uh I think that that can probably get reviewed by by an auditor regardless uh nzj says wondering if the go ahead dead man I just saw you on mute oh yeah so if I had if I had to add something is that uh you know with the new SE gate system every hour bin evaluates it State and thus a lot of code is being run at the top of the hour by calling the sunrise function so if I'm not mistaken that will lead to higher gas used in the sunrise transaction and that will also affect the beans rewarded to the caller so it makes sense to do that just before the seat gauge is out correct me if I'm wrong Briant uh if you can yeah you make a great point you know if we're looking at the future and looking at all the upgrades you know Z gauge is probably the most intensive in terms of how much the sunrise gas changes you know everything else seems to be minimal from that regard so it does seem pretty imperative to do to Sunrise Max beam rewards he red in later and I guess one one other comment is that uh you know dead man is doing the sunrise eff inefficiency work and Pete's man is doing some of the Gen convert work so you know two different devs two different projects uh as far as I'm concerned the sunrise stuff doesn't change the timeline for generaliz convert uh I mean gas efficient like Branda said gas efficiency with minimal savings now it's less of a focus uh yeah I mean as far as I'm concerned that's still uh you know the new meta if you will with regards to beanock development but in this case this is about you know how many beans are rewarded to the collar that can be sold sold so it also affects cell pressure unlike other General interactions with beanock input all right well so I guess I'll open up um this so this is the Gen. Convert first time we've talked through generaliz convert in this meeting mentioned that that pizza man's kind of leading the uh the front here I'll I'll open it up a little bit um to to you pizza man or to and you're gonna have forgive me if pizza man isn't on I just I'm not looking at who's who's in the meeting or not um to Pizza Man Brendan Ben guy anybody that wants to talk through or kind of refresh us on what exactly the components are here and what's you know what's being worked on right now yeah I'm here I can kind of you know briefly go through the things listed here so at a high level generalized convert allows you to uh convert even in cases where it might not be beneficial for beanock if you're willing to take a hit so the long story short is that you know if you convert in a Direction that's not bringing bean to Peg it will still let you do that just to add a stock penalty and then also in the similar vein the idea is that if you convert in a way that helps beanock it will give you a stock reward for doing so and the idea being that this is kind of like a fourth lever that beanock can use in terms of its Peg maintenance mechanism and so in order for for all of the pieces of this to come together um oh I I suppose in addition another key part of this is that uh you can convert and you know you can trade your your beans or your ether or whatever other tokens we end up whitelisting uh through other parts of Defi and deposit them back into bean stock and so you can take advantage of Arbitrage that exists out in the system and not lose your stock for doing so because all of your what whatever you end up arbitraging can be redeposited back into bean stock and you gain uh a stock you know bonus for doing this and so if you break this down to the multiple Parts here uh you know we have the everything that's basically here on the list so already done let's see is um you know like exact what kind of inputs and outputs are going to be available for this function uh the pipeline calls support are is already done uh including a number of tests for that of course we could always add more um then working in progress right now is actually uh kind of not really on this list but the seed gauge Branch um and the tractor Branch are are two separate work in progress branches and or actually I guess the SE g gauge branch is already done it's just not fully audited yet um and generaliz convert used uses parts of tractor and parts of the seed gauge and so I've in the past couple days here been kind of working on merging the two together so that I I'll have all the pieces that I need to do you know both of those parts um but or all the pieces that I need from both of those parts but going on from there you know I'll be working on the flash loan protection uh which is this attack that you could do um to kind of take advantage of the stock bonus or or penalty system so we have an idea that should hopefully um prevent you from actually doing that uh then you know that'll be taking up some time here in the near future uh then after that it'll be handling the cases you know where more bdv is added or removed so during your pipeline calls you could potentially um withdraw half of your your bdv or deposit even more then after that we can get more into the details of the penalty uh you know then all the rest of the things here are just basically auditing and um and Remediation so that's kind of the high level overview if anybody has any specific questions I'd be happy to answer give him a minute in case so anyone's got questions I'm I'm not seeing anything in Barnyard chat um guy you mentioned that there were some you mentioned some um messages you were seeing are you seeing them in Barnyard uh yeah there's the Barnyard chat Channel and then if you click open chat on The Voice Barnyard voice channel oh you're okay you're looking at that's gotta yeah I was looking at the actual all right I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything well thank you for that explanation really appreciate that um hope that it's that it's helpful and um yeah definitely appreciate that any other anything else to add or any other questions um regarding gen convert oh um what's the could you could you talk through the difference between so I mentioned part one versus part two um just making sure as or maybe you can just correct me if I'm wrong sounds like you mentioned the the stock penalty and obviously that's in this list is and and in here it says the bonuses part of part two are there any other functions for generaliz generalized convert that are part of part two beyond the stock bonus so the the stock bonus and penalty system in its fully fledged form would require keeping track of every single deposit in a assorted list basically from the least amount of grown stock to the greatest amount of grown stock uh per bdv per deposit and so the implementation of this list and maintaining it um is kind of the key technical aspect of it and then the the benefit of it is that then the the penalty and bonus system can work you know in its fully developed form so you would say that goe there's no other like key features besides you know those those two parts basically part two it could actually maybe be theoretically possible to put it all in in one um I'll just kind of see how you know development timelines go uh and we'll go from there sounds good thank you appreciate that additional Insight too all right roll on down to King has a question here they asked is the stalk reward different from the increased stock that you would usually get from increasing bdb from converts uh no it's different so the stock reward is um in its fully fledged form so let's say you know someone has uh like so if you lined up all of the deposits in order of grown stock per bdv of of each deposit in a row and you took the one that had the least amount of grown stock per per bdb let's say you're converting uh let's say say for example Bean is over Peg and you're converting from Bean to Bean eth so the most um most recent uh depositor for that bean eth has you know x amount of grown stock so you would get not only however much grown stock you would or however much kind of uh you know underlying stock bonus you would get for increasing the bdv of of your deposit but you would also get um an equivalent amount of stock for bdv equal to that most recent most recent deposit for that white listed token type if that makes sense sounds good thank you again all right um moving on down to the H1 upgrade package so this we had kind of H1 upgrade package talked about this uh in its kind of individual Parts last time around um uh dead man was kind of enough to walk us through some of the individual components we've kind of based on the fact that um that this package of work is going to kind of end up getting put together and audited as as one package made sense to kind of bundle it in terms of the the tracking as well um so lots of lots of different items in here so I guess what I'll do is since there are a number and and I had the list but I'm I don't have it in front of me at the moment um I'll open up to dead man so dead man you've you've already talked a little bit about um the uh the items that are on this list that are related to W Ste um and you you talked a little bit about I think we talked a little bit about uh the pdv increase for metadata and soil issuance is there anything else that you'd want to want to talk about in relation to this upgrade package um not really um I believe the heavy work has been done already about the stuff uh the CHP rate is a is an easy fix just the parameter change and the new well deployment will you know tie well together with the the deployment scripts and all that stuff uh yeah hope by now the Auditors are already familiar due to the consecutive audits on Pino with a code so I expect that to take a little b a little bit more less time than the other uh Audits and uh yeah after that we'll see sounds good thank you any other additional comments guy or rest of the team just might add that uh dead mine might be the best example of uh you know the the only reward for hard work is more work uh there's a lot of stuff on his plate at the moment and uh you know very excited to see him picking up more and more stuff on on the farm always a pleasure to work on those as well so yeah no Hustle but for my part yeah definitely appreciate that man also happy to take input on what what uh what the heck to call this I've been calling it miscellaneous improvements uh appears someone's called the H1 upgrade package here uh I think we can do better than that I did I did um apply the name H1 upgrade package half one upgrade package I am more than happy to change the name of it though yeah I that's just fine doesn't hurt my feelings if somebody comes up with something Tractor better okay last item on this list is uh is tractor and um funer is actively working on this and actually as when I talked to them um they um just you know quick conversation mentioned they've been working on it for I think over a year now there's a lot of stuff that's been going into it um they're um they're predisposed with some personal stuff right now um but uh we'll be working on a full update so the next time that we we've uh next time we get together as a dow I will have a full update for this so more to come on on tractor and uh we'll we'll pass along information as we get it again any other comments from guy or anyone else on the team regarding tractor well I would just say that I don't think they've necessarily been working on it for a year uh I think we work around finalizing the contract stuff maybe was about a month uh mostly in December a few months ago and uh work on the middleware has has uh really started in Earnest uh this month so yeah like like Rex said hopefully more information soon as far as timelines go sounds good thanks okay um so that's all I've got for the specific project timelines I did have uh one slide just here and won't won't um spend too long uh sitting on it but did want to kind of um I mentioned when we were What's next for comms? talking about like we were talking about the the project funnel you know thinking about increased Community involvement and and giving input for priorities and I guess I'll uh right along with that I've got this basically I am thinking actively about what the next steps are for for my particular role um you know obviously it's been a uh there's been a lot of lot of chatter in Discord over the last week or so and um one of the things that I have kind of taken away from that is um thinking about like what are what are the next steps what are the ways that I can continue to increase my contribution um to make a really good valuable impact um these first few weeks in this role I've been thinking a lot about just like getting getting the information together that everybody's seeing now you know kind of building these systems and you know thinking about how to present this information and having good discussions with people to to make sure that we're capturing things correctly and fairly so I feel like we've kind of I've reached the point where I'm pretty satisfied like with the information deck and and with what it presents and and like this kind of basic part of this rule so um like I said I'm not going to dwell too much on it um but I again will say that my DMs are open about thoughts that folks have about how to continue to improve communication uh with the community and with the broader ecosystem um what I will say to this group is I think a lot about in this role think about um things that are systematic if that makes sense um I like the idea of you know publishing this this info deck a couple times a month because I feel like it's something very regular it's something very steady you know that that now that we've kind of worked out some of the first couple um iterations in Kinks that that can be going out on a regular basis and people will know that it's coming I like the idea of these meetings and um I mentioned a guy I think it was either earlier today or yesterday um I'm going to start putting these I think originally we talked about having these once a month I'm going to put these on the calendar for the first and third Tuesday of every month so these meetings will occur with the same Cadence as the info decks go out so we'll get together every two weeks more or less and um we will uh and we'll we'll talk through stuff we'll it'll be this format uh we'll talk through the deck we'll give opportunities for for folks from the team to discuss and people to ask questions and we'll do that every two weeks as opposed to once a month um so that's that's one of the next steps but um again I'll just say to this group I would love suggestions about like what that next step could be again and trying to keep it kind of systematic if that makes sense if it means more regular announcements of certain items um happy to look into that or really take any suggestions from the group but um yeah please let me know what your thoughts are I've got some thoughts myself but definitely willing to take feedback with that I'll actually open the floor up um got a pretty healthy attendance now looking at the uh looking at the group um any questions thoughts concerns um anything from the from the group hey guys um I'm soil King just want to say a few words about uh about Dune dashboard the the Dune project so um I'll actually I'll drop the link in the bar excuse me in the Barnard chat so you guys can take a look if you haven't seen it already but uh basically just uh picked this project up recently and uh been trying to get some some various stats on here things that uh you know might not be visible with uh what other stats have been available historically so mostly uh so far you'll see on there there's a bunch of stats about Basin about like the beanie pool and then as as new wells get added as well we'll be able to add those on there and um some other miscellaneous stats about some of the stuff in the field stuff with uh with fertilizer some of who like some of the large holders are um some stats on debt level there's some debt level aggregated with both the pods and the Sprouts um relative to like the bean Supply um but yeah I've been adding some stuff here pretty regularly over the last few weeks um so definitely keep an eye out for for some new stuff hitting there in the coming days and weeks um I think I'll for now I'm trying to focus on mostly data since the replant just because that's kind of pertinent to the current state of things but eventually we'll have like all the historical data on there all the historical pricing um um and all that all that good stuff so kind of my my goal is to be able to you know kind of spark some some interesting conversation with a lot of these charts and I think that's already been happening a bit in the Discord so that's that's pretty cool to see so if there's anything specific people want to see you know feel free to you know drop me a note about it um but you know more or less we we're going to get to everything eventually so thank you soil King I was trying to bring it up and my cursor disappeared so I was having a a hard time but yeah just to give a little bit of preview of some of that information I'll fan through it real quick and then I'll hop into the deck really I mean I didn't actually have any more any more slides with specific information so I'll even just leave the Doom page up but yeah just want to yeah give you a shout out there soil I appreciate all the work that goes into this and again think about a lot of this um in terms of how we can tell beans sock story to the broader ecosystem and I think there's a good story to tell and and part of that is having really good data so um yeah definitely appreciate the work yeah yeah for sure it's been really exciting uh putting it together and seeing a lot of those stats too um I really like the one I think you were you were just on it a second ago where with the the price deviation pie chart where it shows how much time Bean spends at each of the different price uh brackets I guess if you will yeah that one really good stuff appreciate it couple things that are being worked on on the UI that are somewhat related to this is uh one uh a revamp of the analytics page that allowed people to look at particular date ranges uh I don't know if people have noticed this but uh I definitely have but whenever you want to look at uh historical data you have and go to the alltime chart and uh you know you can't see very granular information uh you can on the Basin UI however it's very easy to zoom so that's getting worked on uh as well as being able to uh impersonate wallet addresses uh on app. bean. money uh this is something that we do uh whenever we're developing the UI to you know fix bugs that people are reporting Etc but I think it's uh not much additional work to make that functionality available on the production site so I think that will be pretty cool especially you know just being able to toss in an address into the site whenever you're clicking on some transaction that happens in the bot channels to you know see the users balances Etc very cool all right we'll leave it open for just another minute re do you want to read uh Tamar fleet's question in the barnyard chat yeah give me okay the one from happy too yeah how about how about you do it if I'm afraid if I do it I'm gonna run into some streaming issue all right so Tam Fleet uh dropped this question before for the call they said can't attend today due to work so Convert bot/ Discord discussion pasted my question for Ben and Brandon here uh in parenthesis this is a good faith attempt at helping the community uh number one will you answer whether or not you're involved in running one of the convert Bots two would you respond to my example communication that would significantly help the community um and unfortunately it looks like Ben and Bernett aren't here I mean you know obviously there's been a lot of discussion about this particularly over the last week um perhaps it worth it's worth saying a couple things around uh you know the new people are in the Discord and uh particularly uh related to you know the the decisions that some mods made to to ban them but uh you know this not a question for me so I don't necessarily have much to say other than it feels like if I remember correctly at some point you know Ben Mor or lest answered this question I'll just drop a a link to their message uh from a couple months ago um yeah I mean I don't have much to add on that front that it's not addressed to me all right okay anything else from the group or any other questions or thoughts and uh you know there was obviously a lot of turmoil and discussion in the Discord particularly last week um you know I don't necessarily agree with the decision uh that was made to to ban I think I don't know if it was one or two of the users that came in the Discord recently uh you know it's hard to know what the right answer is it's like the expectation around the Discord or at least the expectation around the Discord that was created sort of you know from the beginning of the of the beanock days was that this is uh a space that is totally free of censorship and yeah it's hard to know I mean perhaps one option is to leave the current Discord as totally censorship free you know free reign people can post and say whatever they want you know regardless of uh fact or Reason uh and maybe the answer is to spin up some secondary Discord where you know censorship does take place and anyone who joins that Discord is opting into those rules uh yeah it's hard to know what the right answer is I'm certainly motivated to figure that out to some extent but don't know that uh I have the answer today per se and thenur what other people think I mean obviously there were other there were plenty of people who thought that the ban was appropriate PL of people who thought it wasn't so you know the only way to reach a reasonable conclusion is by people voicing their uh you know their feedback and giving input so I would encourage everyone to to do so appreciate that guy okay last chance for comments or questions look like we'll finish just a couple minutes early okay hearing none um like you've said uh definitely happy to continue the conversations either in general or DMS or other channels um so don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions specific things that I'm thinking about and and and trying to potentially work on on my end over the coming weeks so more to come in those and yeah appreciate everybody every body joining us this afternoon have a good day thanks everyone and thank you Rex always a pleasure you too