
Report #32373

Report Date
June 19, 2024

User will lose the rest of their plenty earning if they withdraw during raining season

Report Info

BIR-18: Lost Plenty Edge Case

BIC Response

After some investigation we have confirmed that this is a valid bug report. Specifically, we have determined that if a Farmer earns Plenty from a Flood, Withdraws all of their assets, and then Mows during the next Raining Season, they lose the Plenty associated with that Flood.

Also, we agree with the selected Impact of "Permanent freezing of unclaimed yield", and thus High severity. Given that the practicable economic damage is effectively zero due to the low likelihood of Flood occurring in the near future (and also the very low likelihood of the specific edge case occurring even if Flood occurs), the BIC has determined that this bug report be rewarded the minimum reward for High severity reports of 10k Beans.