
Report #29992

Report Date
April 11, 2024

UPDATED context: Not reducing `s.recapitalisation` when users call `UnripeFacet:chop()` for UNRIPE_LP reduces the value of uncopped UNRIPE_LP

Report Info

BIR-14: Decrease Recapitalization Upon Chop

BIC Response

Given that the issue is not exploitable in the sense of theft (there's no liquid market that an attacker can use to buy up all the Unripe assets to then Chop, etc.), we believe that the most accurate categorization is “Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value”, and thus Medium severity.

Based on our bounty page, this submission's ( Smart Contract - Medium) reward is based on a set of internal criteria established by the BIC (the exploitability of the bug, the impact it causes and the likelihood of the vulnerability presenting itself), with a minimum reward of USD 1000 and maximum reward of USD 10,000.

Although the issue is not exploitable in the traditional sense and would have very low impact as a result of Chopping over the course of a single hour (see Funds at Risk definition), given the high likelihood the vulnerability presenting itself during any particular Chop, the BIC has determined that this bug report be rewarded 10,000 Beans.

It's worth noting that even if the Severity categorized as High, this report would qualify for the minimum High reward of 10,000 Beans given the practicable economic damage.