
Report #12333

Report Date
October 11, 2022

A reverting fallback function will lock up all payouts

Report Info

BIC Response

This is not a security bug report because sendValue() is part of the Address.sol contract from OpenZeppelin, but this function actually is not even used in that ERC20 token contract.

Due to these reasons, we are closing the submission and no reward will be issued.

Halborn Response

This report does not really make much sense. I believe we are talking about this contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x1BEA0050E63e05FBb5D8BA2f10cf5800B6224449?utm_source=immunefi#code. sendValue() is part of the Address.sol contract from OpenZeppelin, but this function actually is not even used in that ERC20 token contract. And even if it was used, I see no issue with it.